Fantastic house with unfinished look
- Finishing touch is the last step to make the creation ready to use. It is applied to create the best look. Different from the usual step of ordinary creation, this loft is designed in ram appearance. This 600 square feet minimalist industrial space is decorated with unfinished style and look. Architect Bruno Eroicrum of agency AABE Erpicrum & Partners composes a great creation of raw look loft in the city of Dusseldorf. This wonderful and unusual house that can be seen directly after entering a cobbled courtyard stand with its uniqueness and extraordinary touch.
- The wall is constructed and designed with the real expose brick and the ceiling also follows the scheme. Industrial style is applied on the living room with the soft creamy sofas and beautiful accent of art work hanging on the back wall. Neutral tone becomes the best choice to create a balance between raw look and the furnishings. Wooden accessories are also placed in this open plan home. The wooden dining table looks fantastic combined with the white modern dining chairs.
- The bathroom composes a unique style with the extraordinary bathtub; while the industrial look is applied in this place perfectly. Bedroom and dressing area compose a natural tone of white and wooden finish; while white gloss kitchen units span in long style compose a contemporary look in this unique house. Different from the raw look outside, the home office is decorated in minimalist style with white tone.
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