Colorful accent in white decor
- Well, today we try to feature some inspirational loft design with colorful scheme. This gallery-like space is designed by Konstantin Andreev. Let we start with the futuristic design of living space with unique accent. The elegant touch is shown by the white ceiling and flooring; while the unique accents are given by the accessories on the wall and the colorful dining chairs. It looks like some colorful balloons walking over your head; while the colorful exposed brick wall with modular storage is able to lift up the scheme.
- We come to the more neutral and chic style. The open plan layout brings the lovely tone to this room. Glass balustrade tone composes marvelous and attractive appearance. If you want something natural, this soft room may be suitable for you. Great wall design is blended with the sofa and rug, still with the different tone. The creation tries to amuse you again with the marvelous chandelier and wooden coffee table placed in the center spot. This open plan living and dining space is separated with the different color of furnishings. A wooden element that applied on the kitchen island and the stairs looks brilliant on this minimalist loft; while an artwork is the great choice to promote the elegance in this room. Entertainment units are placed on the wall in front of the white sofa.
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